RED (2010)


Wowzers, what a cast! I mean: just look at it! There's some heavy hitters there, that's for certain. And then you also get a funny and enjoyable romp about a bunch of retired special agents bringing payback to whomever is trying to off them in rather unceremonious fashion, so what's not to like?

Bruce Willis is Frank Moses, a retired CIA-operative who is well and truly bored beyond belief in his urban home. After toppling governments and assassinating high profile people across the globe choosing which lawn ornament to place during Christmas does feel a bit underwhelming.

In order to feel something of worth, Frank regularly calls the lady who is in charge of arranging his pension and there is clearly a spark there. She dreams of an eventful life, he wants someone who cares for him. Things get spiced up when out of the blue a hit squad tries to kill Frank. He doesn't know who or why, but he does know that they'll most likely also go after his telephone lady and he sort of but not really kidnaps her to keep her safe. They start visiting some of Frank's former associates/enemies in the hopes of finding out just who is killing several people who turned up on a list. The journalist who uncovered this list was also killed.

Turns out it all has something to do with the slaughter of an entire village in Guatemala, but things don't get any easier when a driven young CIA officer is on the hunt for Frank and his team. The plot continues to thicken... 

Is the story silly? Of course it is. But what makes this film shine is the fact that all actors involved are having so much fun. Heck, Bruce Willis is the star but he isn't even the best part. That is reserved for everyone else. Morgan Freeman, Helen Mirren, Brian Cox and John Malkovich in a wonderfully unhinged role take the cake. Not only that, but the action is engaging and the film is downright funny most of the time. It does get a bit more serious during the second act mostly, which also makes it stand out just a tad, but there sure are a lot of laughs to be found. 

You know, this is one of those films that you may have missed, but that don't disappoint. If you're up for a good time and enjoy action and espionage coupled with some laughs, it's worth checking this one out. 


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