Deep Blue (2001)


Ready for one of the most soothing documentaries (of sorts) you'll probably ever see? 

Unless you really, really hate water, in which case this will most likely traumatise you for life.

There's not an awful lot to say about this one: it's absolutely stunning images of a world most people know far too little of and it gives just minor glimpses into what happens below the waves. We go from pole to pole, into the tropics and the deep chasms of the oceans and gaze upon beautiful and sometimes bizarre creatures. 

There is some voice-over work by Michael Gambon, but it's really sparse and in all honesty? This film would have been just as engaging if that was missing altogether. 

Some scenes do stay locked in your brain: a group of dolphins, sharks and boobies assaulting a school of fish and then suddenly a whaler pops up; or a polar bear trying to catch a beluga whale; or the white-tip sharks giving chase in the night... 

It's spectacular without being sensational and hopefully gives people some more thought as to why we need to preserve the beauty which is our oceans. 

That's it. That's the idea. Now escape the harsh reality of this world for about 90 minutes and soar through the waves.


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