Rubber (2010)


This is one weird film.

Then again, the opening scene and monologue explain it pretty well: that in most films, stuff happens for no reason. So this is in fact an ode to the entire concept of 'no reason' and the result is something trippy as balls that will take some getting used to.

A group of people somewhere in an American desert is watching events unfold through binoculars. They are - most emphatically - the audience. In that desert, a discarded tire comes alive and heads out into the world, quickly realising it has the power to destroy and kill objects, animals and eventually people. It also becomes fascinated with a young woman for some reason. 

At least, that's what it looks like. But why don't you try to make sense of anything that happens here. 

In between you get metajokes, fourth-wall-breaking, absurd humor, exploding heads, carnage and an ending that sets up a sequel but please don't. 

As an art project, this actually works. Leave all preconceptions and ideas you might have right at the door, because this is so far out there none of your logical assumptions would work. The first time you watch this, you'll think it is insane. The second time you'll loathe it. But from the third time on, it becomes quite fascinating in that weird sort of trainwreck way. It's hard to explain. 

Sure, you could just say this was all some pretentious dreck and you'd be right. You could also claim this is highly philosophical and you'd probably be right, too. In the end, this is weird, fascinating and completely unlike almost anything, which makes it all the more fascinating. 

So no, this is not for everyone and it will always be a tough watch, but if you're in for something goofy and bizarre, you could do a lot worse. 


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