Sharktopus (2010)


Just look at that title. Look at it. 

Isn't it the most genious thing you have ever seen?

Of course this comes from the brain of the one and only Roger Corman, the man with by far the most prolific career in film history. It's insane the amount of stuff Corman has produced over the years and how many careers he has launched. I mean, sure: a lot of Corman's stuff is on the iffy side when it comes to quality, but there are real gems there and if you can be the starting point for people like James Cameron and Jack Nicholson, surely you must be doing something right? 


These last few years, Corman has relocated to Mexico, as it simply is a lot cheaper to make films there than in the US. So welcome the re-used footage of beaches, dancing and people on holiday!

But let's get to the meat right now.

Some shady organisation run by Eric Roberts (yes, that actor) has created a shark/octopus hybrid for the Navy. Of course, it gets loose and heads to Puerto Vallarta, eating lots of people along the way. So now they have to stop it. 

Rinse and repeat. 

No really, that is it. There is nothing more to this film. But is it worth it?

Well: yes, actually. Not that this is a good film, far from it, in fact. The acting is fairly atrocious across the board and Roberts is clearly here for the paycheck. Heck, I assume he was probably drunk as a skunk for most of the shoot anyway, but if you get a free trip to Mexico, who would say no? 

But that isn't the draw of this film. No, this honour falls to the titular beastie, which is both bizarre beyond belief and even at almost always CG the best emoting character in this entire setup. I am dead serious: the animators gave the creature something of a personality and how awesome and befuddling is it when a made-up thing that sin't even animated all that well, acts better than the actors themselves? 

Couple that with some very funny and inventive kills (the bungee scene springs to mind) and you have ultimate schlock that is enormously entertaining, provided of course you go for this sort of thing. Hell, this one even received two sequels! Two! Sequels!

It baffles the mind. 


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