Creepshow (1982)


It's a shame they don't make anthology-films like this anymore, where you get a couple of short stories, all interlinked by a loose thread but all with the same goal. In this case: make you laugh and scare you in equal measure. Honestly, it's tough to go wrong with a project written by Stephen King and directed by George A Romero and to top it all off, this is loaded with excellent and well known actors ànd you get special effects by the master Tom Savini!

Yep, this is a boatload of fun. 

All the stories are set up as in the classic EC horrorcomics. It usually has to do with some bad people getting their comeuppance in the most gruesome (and sometimes poetic) way possible. There's 'Father's Day', where a family of snobs gets a visit they won't forget quickly; 'The Lonesome Death of Jordy Verrill' in which a farmer finds a meteor and gets more than he bargained for; 'Something To Tide You Over' where a psychopath finds an interesting way to deal with his wife and her lover, but it isn't over when he thinks it is; 'The Crate', where a 147 year old wooden crate tucked away under the stairs houses something unexpected; and finally 'They Creep Up On You' in which a horrible CEO with severe issues concerning cleanliness gets unwelcome visitors in his pristine penthouse appartment.

This is a prime example of how laughs and chills can benefit one another. Yes, a lot of the events that happen here are quite horrible, but you can quickly get a few laughs in and the fact that most of the people here are obnoxious and get what they deserve, is an added bonus. It is all presented in a very colourful way and with transitions that mimic comic book panels as well. But really, the film is beautiful to look at, with saturated colourschemes that are bright and vibrant and really catch your eye.

But of course, this would all be moot if the acting wasn't up to snuff and luckily, here they went for some damn fine actors, some of which are playing against type. In this respect, my favourite is probably 'Something To Tide You Over', in which Leslie Nielsen plays an ice cold psychopath. Most people only remember Nielsen as the straightfaced comedian from 'Airplane' or 'Naked Gun', but he once was a very serious leading man and the dude could act. It's a chillingly effective performance. 

The worst entry is the one starring Stephen King himself in 'The Lonesome Death of Jordy Verrill'. Not only is the story here a bit weak, but King isn't that great of an actor and he overdoes playing a dumb hick way too much. A shame, though.

It also feels as if the tension grows with every segment, as both 'The Crate' and 'They Creep Up On You' are a lot more intense than what came before. The idea for 'The Crate' is pretty silly (weird creature is still alive in a box after more than a hundred years), but there's something about the way it is shot and how the tension keeps building. No idea what it is, but it is creepy as all hell. This goes double for the last story, where a truly horrendous person gets besieged by cockroaches in his pristine flat. Maybe it's just the bugs, but where the other ones are creepy but fun, this one feels like the more 'realistic' and thus more gross tale. The ending especially will make you uneasy at best. 

'Creepshow' is still a very solid film and tons of fun to watch. Great stories, memorable visuals and solid performances all around from people that don't take it all too seriously yet manage to exude fun and horror: a perfect marriage. 


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