The Chronicles of Riddick: Dark Fury (2004)
This animated short is the bridge between the low-key space horror/survival story of 'Pitch Black' and the much more epic (in scale and design) follow up 'The Chronicles of Riddick'.
Do you have to have seen this in order to get on board with the next entry? Not really, but it does link certain events and characters, so it's a nice plus. And it's just a fun watch as well.
This takes place almost immediately after Riddick, Jack and Imam escape the dark planet and the vicious predators. They are dragged aboard a mercenary ship, because they soon find out Riddick is aboard and he has quite a hefty bounty on his head. After killing a few mercs, Riddick is captured and brought before Lady Chillingsworth, the leader of the ship. She has a penchant for collecting high reward criminals and mounting them in weird displays, where they are kept alive (sort of) for her enjoyment. She plans to mount Riddick as well, but things don't go her way after she forces him to fight two alien creatures.
Riddick, Imam and Jack are then pursued across the ship by a plethora of mercenaries, among whom Toombs sticks out, as he will still be chasing Riddick in the next film. So yes, you know they'll make it off this ship.
However, there's plenty to enjoy even if you know what the outcome will be. For one, the voice cast is exactly the same as in the film, meaning it is fun to hear people like Vin Diesel and Keith David reprise their roles. The new characters are distinct in design and you quickly get why Toombs got to return for the film, as he is that kind of quirky that fits so well in this universe.
But what will really stay with you, is the excellent animation. Designed in an almost anime style and with CG thrown in throughout for backgrounds and specials (like the alien Shrill), this looks fantastic. The animation is fluid, the action energetic and well choreographed and this one doesn't hold back in showing visceral brutality on several occasions.
It's a ton of fun.
Sure, chances are high you will only enjoy this because you are familiar with the films and the character of Riddick, but as animation goes, you could do a lot worse. It doesn't overstay its welcome and manages to leave some imagery imprinted on the retina, so well done.
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