Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory (1971)
Warning: youth sentiment loading...
Think of me what you will, but this one still ranks among my all time favourites, and for good reason. This is not only a film that will tug on your heartstrings, it has memorable songs, a brilliant performance by Gene Wilder and an allround feeling of warm fuzziness that only dissipates after several hours among other people.
But I assume you would like a little more words to satiate your reading hunger and if you haven't seen this one, you are sure to need some more information.
The story is probably well-known, so I won't go into that too much. Willy Wonka needs an heir to his empire, invites five random children of which four are total arsehats to his factory to see which one will be the chosen child. Shenanigans ensue.
This film has since been remade again by Tim Burton, but this one is the superior version, by far. Not only are the sets and surroundings far more interesting, the juxtaposition between the real world and Wonka's factory works a lot better here. In Burton's version, even the outside world is too stylized, too weird. Here, you come from a mundane environment into a fantasyland. It's gorgeous.
I also like these Oompa Loompas better, because their songs are much broader than just chiding the one kid who didn't follow the rules. Also also: these kids, exaggerated though they may be, are not caricatures, whereas the newer version overdoes it. These are annoying, but in a sense still too bloody realistic.
But the one thing, the main thing that makes this version stand out above all else, is the wonderful, miraculous Gene Wilder. He nails the part of Willy Wonka to a T. You never know what to expect from him and he can be funny, warm, frantic, scary, sarcastic and evil in one go. He's never weird, but he is unpredictable. Johnny Depp's version was just weird. This one isn't weird, he's a lot smarter than most people give him credit and you will laugh uproariously at his reactions when one of the kids bites the dust.
Also, the songs are just plain great. You'll be singing them for days on end.
Honestly, I could go on and on, but you just have to see this one.
I'd even go so far as to say it's mandatory, even if it's just to see Gene Wilder at the top of his game.
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