X-Men: The Last Stand (2006)

For some strange reason, this entry in the series often gets maligned.

I honestly can't really see why.

Sure, it has a few problems, but this still isn't a horrible film. But then again, I have never been one to jump on the bandwagon, so maybe there's that.

Also, you can either agree with me or be wrong.

If you took that last sentence as an insult, you clearly need to discover what humour is, besides thinking 'White Chicks' is the best thing since sliced bread.

But I digress.

'The Last Stand' was meant to close the trilogy off. It tries to do so in glorious fashion, but despite there being some more 'epic' battles, it doesn't feel as epic as the second one did. What caused this? Well, there may be a few ideas.

It was hinted at that the Dark Phoenix would make an appearance. It wasn't like the comics or animated series (because why should it?) but that already pissed some of the more irritating fanboys off. But seeing as we're going to disregard those spotty virgins, let's move on, shall we? I get where they were going with that whole idea, that Jean Grey cannot control her inner demons anymore, but they do so little with her character that sets it apart. Up until she escapes from the mansion, it's all well and good, but as soon as she joins Magneto's band, they seem to forget about her until the very end and that makes no sense whatsoever.

That might also be because they try to juggle a second main story, namely that of a 'cure' for the mutant condition. If you ask me, (which you might not do, but I'm still going to explain my view, so bear with me) the film would have been a lot better if they didn't juggle two main storylines. Now they both get insufficient time and attention, so they both feel a little haphazardly put together. A shame, because it could have been a lot better.

The action is still pretty much splendid, though. The final battle on Alcatraz is cool and well done.

Also, the introduction is both great and horrifying, as you see a young Angel try to cut off his own wings.

My absolute favourite thing about this one has to be a casting choice. They went for Kelsey Grammer as Beast, and he absolutely nails it. He has got that suave and learned manner you associate with Hank McCoy and he pulls it off without a hitch. Seriously, every time he's on screen, he steals the show.

So all in all, this one might have been better. But still, 'The Last Stand' is an enjoyable entry in the series. It just has the problem it came after 'X2', which was near perfect.


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