FACTS fall edition 2019

I spent this Saturday on our biggest convention for all things geek related: FACTS in Ghent. It was way too crowded yet again, and to be honest, I have kind of had it with hipstergeeks. You know, those people that really don't have a clue what it is all about, but think they do and loudly proclaim their knowledge of all things obscure and geeky just because they happened to see three Marvel-films?

But still, always great to see many a people take the time and effort to dress up accordingly and managed a lot of fistbumps with kids who instantly knew who I was supposed to be, so that's cool. Kids always know better when it comes to these things. That is why they rule.

It was Spider-Man Noir, by the way. Not like that one idiot who yelled that monkey moniker because he happened to have seen the last Spider-Man.

Go back to the hipsterhole you crawled out of, idiot.

Will see you all on some other convention, no doubt. Possibly with one of my other suits, possibly not.


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