Some people really need to get out more often

Bizarre as it may seem, I do not always enjoy pissing on things verbally. Like most people, I do thoroughly enjoy a good nag or two on occasion, but let us not forget that negativity is not very conducive to your general state of well being, so I tend to disregard any negative thoughts from time to time, just to be able to balance everything out.

This, it seems, is not the usual modus operandi for some people.

Yes, I do know that this is the internet and on this vast world of knowledge (usable or otherwise) a great many a troll lurks in the dungeon of opinion. That being said, it does baffle my cerebrum as to how many a vinegar person does abide in these here regions. Sometimes, it even becomes too silly to actually be believable.

The funny thing is, do I notice it more because it gets on my nerves, or does it get on my nerves because I notice it more? There is the conundrum, boys and girls.

If that last sentence is perceived as being condescending, so be it. Now get outside and find a hobby.

Why do I bring all this up at this point? It has to do with the ever growing movement of students against the political status quo and above all else against the apparent indecisiveness by which politians do absolutely fudge all to try and save the environment. Maybe I have a different look on it all seeing as on a professional level, I spend my days in between hormone driven teenagers. But it is astounding how many so-called adults now take to the internet and deride the clearly motivated teenagers. It is truly bizarre.

Is it because they are afraid? Is it because they are misguided and think teenagers do not possess a mind of their own? Is it because their jockstraps are put on much too tightly?

Your guess is as much educated as mine.

But there is one thing I am most certain of, and that is that a lot of the 'responsible' adults as they like to call themselves, tend to disregard these teenagers. This is a mistake. Teenagers are the adults of tomorrow and they do not forget how you treated them with contempt and loathing.

Change is coming, whether people like it or not. Time we embrace this sort of change and realize that kids these days have outspoken opinions and especially: they are not yet dulled by the obstacles of life and still see things very black and white, which in a lot of cases actually means they see more clearly.

So here's to you, opinionated kids: keep doing what you do and keep on hitting the establishment in the shins. The wake up-call is long overdue.


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