Frosty ponderings

There are many things I consider myself to be. A genuine winter-person, I fear, is not chiefly among them.

I will no longer go on a spree of words concerning a slight case of distaste for cheesy music that you seemingly can not avoid anywhere, let alone the supposedly ideal atmosphere of merriment. That aspect of my personality has been divulged before and there is not really a point in repetition. Unless you are trying to get a point across, in which case there is every point for repetition, because more often than not people do need a certain amount of repetition to get the point hammered down.

It's all down to repetition, you see?

But that is not the case or the point I want to make. Like I stated before, I am in no way a true winter person. This has mostly to do with the weather, to put a finer point on it.

The cold does not really bother me all that much. True, I do prefer slightly warmer temperatures, but in all fairness: you can dress against the cold. You just stuff several layers upon layers and then just feel the slight tinge of frost on the very tip of your nose, but that will be about it. Other extremities might also feel the slight twinge of cold, but the you do realize that humanity has invented gloves and warm socks. I never really believed in the old idea that when your feet are warm, everything else follows. But then I occasionally started wearing warmer socks and by golly, it is actually true.

Goes to show I do not yet know everything, but ah well, otherwise what would life be without the occasional surprises?

The main thing I have an unceasing problem with is the dark. If it is a cold day, but the sun is out in full force: fantastic. I happen to like the sun a lot. I would not go so far as to call him a personal friend, but I do believe we are on first name terms, so there is that. But it is the gloomy days, the days where the sun never shows its face through a thick layer of grey clouds that get to me. That combined with the unerrable fact that there is simply a lot less time of sunlight between dawn and dusk. There are people that do not find this grating, and that is good for them. But there are those that do feel downtrodden as soon as the light diminishes and I do fear I am among that group. I would not necessarily go to the full on depression-mode (possibly), but still: a happy camper in those circumstances, I am not.

There is a point of light in all this though: spring is on its way and spring, perhaps more so than summer, may be my favourite season of all.

Now let us just get through this gloomy time first and then we will talk again.

Yes, that last sentence was metaphorical. Or is it metaphysical? Metatarsial? Metacarpal?

Figure of speech. There.


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